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Welcome to the All Seeing Guys Podcast with Greg & Joe. Join the guys as they discuss everyday annoyances & topics we can all relate to. With hilarious comedy segments that take us to some pretty strange places. 

The All Seeing Guys, taking an already upside down world & turning it sideways.   

Nov 16, 2021

Welcome to episode 166 of The All Seeing Guys Podcast With Greg and Joe!

We catch up on recent events, talk weird videos that creeped us out on YouTube. Greg went to see a play of the ‘Diary of Anne Frank’, and in a separate story had another colonoscopy which was very different from the last one.

We end with Geezedropping this episode of which we have a few, mostly sent in by you awesome listeners and some heard ourselves.

This and so much more. Despite this description, it's a really fun episode!